
“My legs are on fire!”

Cause: Metabolite accumulation in your muscles triggers signals to your brain. Occurrence: Mile or 5K races, fast surges, or finishing sprints Antidote: Short, fast interval workouts Imagine the searing muscular discomfort of a hard interval [...]

“I’m running harder, but I’m not speeding up!”

Where is my strength gone? Cause: Inefficient muscle-fiber recruitment Occurrence: Sustained medium efforts like 10K to half marathon Antidote: Train your fast-twitch fibers to be more efficient. The early miles of a half marathon often [...]

“I can’t catch my breath!”

“I can’t catch my breath!” Cause: Oxygen deficit Occurrence: Shortly after starting to run Antidote: A “priming” warmup, including a sustained burst of intense running   The first rep of an interval workout always feels [...]

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